Cyberpunk 2077: What Happened to T-Bug?

Cyberpunk 2077: What Happened to T-Bug?

V spends the majority of Cyberpunk 2077’s early phases with Jackie. But T-Bug is another close comrade of V’s. She is the brains of their little crew and a net runner. Shortly after instructing you on the game Cyberpunk, she teams up with another associate, Dexter DeShawn, to set up V.

They all conspire to carry out a risky mission that entails breaking into Konpeki Plaza covertly and robbing Yorinobu Arasaka of his biochip. Obviously, the theft fails, and V doesn’t see T-Bug again. For the remainder of the game, she is hardly addressed in the main quest line. You might, therefore, be curious as to what became of her. If so, you should know all of this.

November 30, 2023, edited by Alfredo Robelo Many gamers are curious about any new T-Bug information; given the breath of fresh air, the 2.0 update brought the main game and the recent release of Phantom Liberty. Although there isn’t anything official, we have added what the community believes to be her likely fate.

What T-Bug Experienced During The Theft

When V and Jackie take the target object during the heist, it appears that the operation will be successful. However, after the arrival of the Arasaka family, things change.

Fortunately, the main characters are able to disappear before anyone finds them. Subsequently, Yorinobu starts a hotel lockdown after killing his father. The two robbers who are now staying at the same hotel are not in the best of circumstances.

V dashes to the balcony to escape as soon as it’s clear. However, T-Bug shows that she has been manufactured and cries in agony before she can unlock the door for them. V breaks off contact right away and leaves the penthouse.
Her Verified Destiny
Even though T-Bug’s circumstances were obviously dire, it was unclear how she would do at the end of the theft. But you can speak with Yoko Tsuru to learn what happened to her. The woman works as a seller in the Watson neighborhood at the Dewdrop Inn, which is located near the Kabuki Roundabout.

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When she says that T-Bug’s body was discovered in her flat with a fried nervous system, she is confirming T-Bug’s demise. It feels like “a hundred thousand knives stabbing you at once,” which would explain the screaming; thus, according to Yoko, it’s one of the worst ways to go.

Therefore, when Arasaka went into lockdown, their cybersecurity team must have found a T-Bug in their system, and they remotely burned her brain. A terrible way to go, and to exacerbate the situation, no one ever paid much attention to her death.

The Theory of Fandom

Fans have searched through all the new content, including innumerable updates and a DLC release, for any new hints on T-Bug’s whereabouts, but no fresh official information has emerged. However, it won’t stop others from conjecturing, and there’s a compelling idea that suggests T-Bug might continue to exist after her passing.

Her consciousness was probably uploaded to Mikoshi, Arasaka’s server hosting the souls of those impacted by the Soulkiller when her brain was fried. Johnny backs this up, saying that T-Bug was a useful Netrunner and that the Soulkiller is used on anyone with an internet connection.

Jackie may even be found in Mikoshi, based on the decisions you make during the game, which lends even more support to the notion. We can only speculate and hope for some type of proof regarding the upcoming Cyberpunk game, though, in the absence of official sources.


T-Bug, the skilled netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077, plays a crucial role in the early phases of the game but fades from the main quest after a failed heist at Konpeki Plaza. Her fate is revealed through in-game interactions, suggesting that she met a tragic end with her brain fried during the Arasaka lockdown. Despite fans’ curiosity and ongoing speculations, no official updates or information have emerged regarding T-Bug’s fate in subsequent releases or DLCs. The theory among fans proposes the possibility of her consciousness being uploaded to Mikoshi, Arasaka’s server hosting the souls impacted by the Soulkiller. While intriguing, it remains speculative, and players await any official confirmation or further developments in the Cyberpunk universe.

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